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Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

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Clicking on «buy» takes you to the bandcamp-site.
There you can specify the album price, – only a minimum price is given.

All songs performed by Al Comet with a Post-Nuclear Sitar-Guitar.
Recorded at Bocal Studio in 1999-2000.
Released 2000
Mixed at Relief Studio by Bertrand Siffert and Benoît Saillet.
Art work by Dominique Billaroch

See great video « Sitardayvideo » by Alain Favre

Curious on how the name «Sitarday» came up?
– Read this interview with Al Comet published by Chain D.L.K.

« Cette fois la Comète se dirige vers le soleil originaire de la guitare, vers la première corde vibrant sur un vide savamment contenu. Remontant l’axe du bien: Ogoz, Andalousie, Turquie, Pakistan jusqu’à Bollywood. Avec lui, sur un Tapis d’Occident, Al porte le digital et la science des électrons, survolant des villes et des campagnes ; le réacteur gauche est la raison, le moteur droit, son intuition. Comet remplace le pétrole par de la lévitation et nous fait, encore et toujours, avancer: Dans le ciel, bras écartés, le Troisième Œil grand ouvert ! »

More in Mahadev Cometo’s bio [pdf, 510kb, engl.]

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Alain Favre – Al Comet

A collection of videos by Alain Favre and Al Comet. The project started in 1991 right after the world’s first website and server went live at CERN in Geneva, dec 20th, 1990. In other words: No digital video editing or the like but thousand of magic ways to switch visual realities.

La musique génère les images, le montage répond à l’évidence de la rythmique, l’imaginaire du créateur visuel donne un écho aux espaces sonores du musicien. Au travers de tous les procédés rendus possible par la technique, Alain (Favre) dialogue avec Alain (AI Comet).

Video « La chaise rouge » 20′, 1991

Video: Alain Favre
Music: Al Comet

more about La chaise rouge and the making-of [PDF, french, 11 Kb]


Video « Comet  Favre » 30′, 1997

Video: Alain Favre
Music: Al Comet

Basse Pression – album « Comet »

Platform H – album « Comet »

Satourne – album « Comet »

One Three Seven – album « Comet »

Video clip of Al Comet’s album « Sitarday » by Alain Favre, s. Sitarday-Video mm

Raw Materials

Joined videos from the album «Comet» used partially on older websites of Al Comet, converted from rm-files (Real Media Player) to mp4, original size!

Saturne – track 1
Basse Pression – track 3
L’envol Du Canard – track 4
Platform H – track 6
1-3-7 – track 7
La Chaise Rouge


More videos by Alain Favre on vimeo

Nepal – India

Varanasi live 12.11.2011

70 pics with Mahadev Cometo, Rajaneesh Tiwari (tabla), Jean-Louis Gafner (magic) and Betrand Siffert (sound).

« of 5 »


Indian Tour Setup 16.11.2011

With Mahadev Cometo, Jean-Louis Gafner and Betrand Siffert.

Find the guy checking electronics,
– first with his finger
– then with his tongue !

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Eye- and Ear-Catching

Mahadev Cometo, Rajaneesh Tiwari, Hari Paudyal, Jean-Louis Gafner and Bertrand Siffert in a live performance at Assi Ghat, Varanasi, november 2011, playing The Beatles’ song «Tomorrow Never Knows»

Same crew, same place, Varanasi 2011:
Mahadev playing the mythical song «Lyoba» as a reminescence of his origins.

Nepal – India Tour 2014: Varanasi

« Le trafic de Varanasi » by Jean-Louis Gafner.
Sitar: Mahadev Cometo, Tablas: Rajaneesh Tiwari, Video: J.-L. Gafner


Nepal – India Tour 2014


Mahadev Cometo, together with Jean-Louis Gafner, magic lightshow, and Bertrand Siffer, sound.

Impressions from the Nepal-India tour (+Silence Festival, Nepal), oct/nov. 2014, s. video Concert Assi Ghat Varanasi 2014

About 100 images.
Just click on the first image, click then on the fullscreen-icon and let it go hitting first the PLAY-button.

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Headliner at the Silence Festival in Kathmandhu, Nepal 2014

Playing sitar with hard rockin’ Guido Wyss, s. videos on guidowyss.com.
With Jean-Louis Gafner (visuals) and Bertrand Siffert (sound).
Some pics of the Silent Festival, s. image-gallery above.
Festival poster, check Event-List .
Oct 18, 2014

Mahadev Cometo discussing with Guido Wyss (drum, percussion)

Mahadev Cometo and Guido Wyss (drum & tatoo!) attacking the Silent Festival

Guido Wyss in action, Silence Festival, Kathmandu 2014

Guido in action – Silence Festival, Kathmandu 2014

Visual art by Jean-Louis Gafner – psychedelight.ch


Agni Pooja Varanasi, 2014

A group of priests performing “Agni Pooja” (Worship to Fire) wherein a dedication is made to Shiva, River Ganga,  the Sun, Agni (Fire), and the whole universe, – at the Dashashwamedh Ghat, Varanasi. Every evening!


India Tour 2015

Mahadev Cometo, together with J.-L. Gafner, magic lightshow, and B. Siffer, sound.

Welcome Festival Music, Varanasi, Nov 2016

Click shows big pic

«Welcome Festival Music»
Nov 1, 2015
at the Goswami House, Varanasi
presented by the Naad Manjari Music School

Impressions from the India tour, oct. 2015 (domestic flights and trains.pdf).

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Playing at the Ganga river on daybreak,
Varanasi 2015

Re-mix, 2020,  by Mahadev Cometo.
Details, s.  mahadev-cometo-live-at-subah-e-banaras-raag-bairagi
Get it at  Bandcamp

Just icing on the cake – La cerise sur le gâteau ?

Invited to play at the govermental program of Indian traditional classical music…
– with some e-psychedelic side effects :- )

Flyer: Subah-e-Banaras (Varanasi Concert)

Subah-e-Banaras – “Morning of Varanasi”

Every morning before sunrise at Assi Ghat, Varanasi:
«A mystic blend of nature’s grandeur and human existence»,
» www.subahebanaras.net.

Following a well structured programme,
– including «Fooding» ;–

  • Morning Prayers
  • Sehnai recital
  • Morning Raga / Light Music
  • Yoga Meditation and Spirituality
  • The significance of the day – Daily Details
  • Interpretation of the traditional format, significance and meaning of Gala/celebration
  • Fooding


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Mahadev Cometo On YouTube


Find other videos on this site via GALLERY > VIDEOS or via results of the search of this site.

TYG Unplugged with Sophie Hunger

The Young Gods & Sophie Hunger
Centre Culturel Suisse, 17/18 mars 2008

À l’occasion de la sortie de leur album «Unplugged», le célèbre groupe de rock industriel invite deux jeunes musiciennes suisses.

The Young Gods avec Sophie Hunger, Paris 2008

Sophie Hunger, jeune chanteuse zurichoise de 23 ans, Sophie Hunger a créé la surprise en sortant un premier album varié, affirmé, Sketches On the Sea qui allie le folk et le jazz et fait écho à Cat Power comme à Bob Dylan. [Texte CCS]

Programme Centre Culturel Suisse – 2008
PDF – if link above is broken

The Young Gods avec Sophie Hunger

Photo : D.R. / ccsparis.com

s. video with Al Comet as Egg-Shaker, Paris 2008.

The Young Gods – UNPLUGGED, Zürich 2006

The Young Gods unplugged - Zürich 2006

photo jeanmarmeisse.com

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Mahadev Cometo

+41 (0)78 615 66 21


This website, mahadev-cometo.com and its content is copyright of Mahadev Cometo. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to a local disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only.
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material.
  • You may copy the content for Public Relation use in relation to Mahadev Cometo aka Al Comet.

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Design & programming: Beda Künzle, 1722 Bourguillon
Concept: Mahadev Cometo & Beda Künzle
Some header pics: lieberherr.photography
Theme «Hemingway» by A. Norén, adapted by Beda Künzle
THX to Dominique Javet
Շնորհակալություն – մերսի !

Suggestions, missing gigs: email to webmaster


Pictures & Videos

Mahadev Cometo after the Boom festival

and more…

Check out the submenus of this page:
Gallery Pictures
Gallery Videos

Europ Pirat Tour

Clicking on «buy» takes you to the bandcamp-site.
There you can specify the album price, – only a minimum price is given.

Original release by 150 bpm Records in 1991
released September 5, 2015

All songs composed and recorded by Al Comet
Mixed at Relief Studio Switzerland
Deproduced by Franz Muse
Engineered by Bertrand Siffert
Graphic by J. Schouwey and / R. Sautebin
Photo by Veronique Botteron

This album was recorded during a tour in Central Europe in october-november 1990

See MTV-interview with Al Comet after the Europe Pirat Tour.

More in Mahadev Cometo’s bio [pdf, 510kb, engl.]

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Clicking on «buy» takes you to the bandcamp-site.
There you can specify the album price, – only a minimum price is given.

Original release 1997, released Sept 6, 2015
Composed and Produced by Al Comet

Experimental electro-ambient music
Mastered by Glenn Miller at Greenwood lab.
Artwork by Jacques Schouwey

See video clips « Comet Favre » by Alain Favre:
Saturne, Basse Pression, Platform H and One Three Seven.

More in Mahadev Cometo’s bio [pdf, 510kb, engl.]

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White Planet

Clicking on «buy» takes you to the bandcamp-site.
There you can specify the album price, – only a minimum price is given.

original release 2004 by make up / RecRec
released September 27, 2015

Music by Al Comet, Ruflu Johnes, Bertrand Siffert
Lyrics by Ray Lumière and Al Comet
Recorded at Boa Studio by Al Comet
Produced and mixed at Relief Studio by Al Comet, Bertrand Siffert,
Ruflu Johnes.
Mastered by Thomas Sthieler
Cover by Dominique Billaroch

Watch the 2nd track of White Planet in our video gallery: « The Safe House ».
Watch the 6th track of White Planet in our video gallery: « Human Experiment ».

« D’abord fermer les yeux pour oublier. Voilà, c’est simple. L’appréhension face à l’inconnu est légitime mais pas de panique : Al Comet (Cometo pour ceux des jungles urbaines) le pilote est un baroudeur de l’espace sonique.
Son nom est gravé sur les murs de toutes les galaxies qui ont adopté un jour le principe cher à George Clinton : ” Open Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow “.
” White Planet ” : grand disque si loin de ces fausses harmonies qui jour après jour trahissent puis effacent le souvenir des pionniers. »

More in Mahadev Cometo’s bio [pdf, 510kb, engl.]

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