LASER NOMAD LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS / Invisibility and Omnipresence
After the show
Nomad – Le Club 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 10 Sept. 2020.
Location and more infos, s. Events on this site.
« …We will explore the links between art and science through an exhibition, a talk and a concert. The 2020s of the 21st century have apparently wrecked our experience of the normality.
Invisibility and Omnipresence refers here, among other possibilities, to organisms / parasites / viruses, perceptions (virtuality, augmented or not), social and territorial prejudices (racisms), or our biosphere for example. What are the major challenges waiting for us in such context ? What will be the new normality ? Where is the reality, is it a virtual construction ? Which is the role of consciousness in such context ? … »
Luca Forcucci: Chair & Exhibition (
Full text [pdf, 360 kb]
Read the full article by Jeremy Narby,
anthropologist and project manager at
LE CAS COVID-19 (in French):
Invisibilité et omniprésence: Le cas Covid-19 [pdf, 140 kb]
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