TAJ MAHAL MAFIA The new album
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Search Results video – Mahadev Cometo

Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

Search results: "video" (page 2 of 9)

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party – Photobastei – Zurich – Impressions

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party
@Photobastei – Zurich – Impressions

June 2-3-4-5 and June 12, 2022

Detais » EVENTS

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Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party – Geneva

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party
@ Urgence Disk, Geneva

Taj Mahal MafiaJune 30, 2022
Release party of the new album “Taj Mahal Mafia”

Urgence Disk Records
Place des Volontaires 4
1204 Genève

++41 22 781 40 58

After the show: video

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party – Fribourg

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party
@ Atelier 48, Fribourg

Taj Mahal MafiaJune 24-25-26, 2022
Release party of the new album “Taj Mahal Mafia”
Flyer (Instagram)

Atelier 48, François-Guillimann 6
1700 Fribourg

Art – Technology – Physical – Digital – Interactions – Installations – Lives


Videos – Sounds – Impressions from the last night in FR:
on June 26, 2022 @ 22h



Clicking on «buy» takes you to the bandcamp site – bc.
There, you can specify the album price, – a minimum price is given.

  • buy on bandcamp
  • Music composed by Mahadev Cometo
  • Sitar Mahadev Cometo
  • Tablas Rajaneesh Tiwari
  • Tablas recorded by sound engineer Indradewa Chaudhuri
    at SA RE GA MA studio Varanasi India
  • Sitar recorded  by Mahadev Cometo at
    Planete Mars Studio Marly Switzerland
  • Final mixes and sound design by Awerel Schorderet and Mahadev Cometo
    at Nice Hill Sound Studio Fribourg Switzerland
  • Sculpture and artwork by René Walker at wapico Bern Switzerland
  • Cometo-portrait by Hugues de Wurstemberger Bruxelles Belgium
  • Produced by Mahadev Cometo

Released May 23, 2022

Video by Trig Fardust, based on a remix by Mahadev Cometo
Raag Mega Marwa – Mafia Remix, 2023

© 2022 Piper Cub Records – All rights reserved.
Distribution together with Urgence Disk Records, Geneva.
Piper Cub RecordsLogo Urgence Disk
More details and pricing:

2020: Digitalist and Mahadev Cometo

Digitalist & Friends: Ethereal Compositions

Another Dimension Music▲
Transformation of matter annihilation

A very special collaboration from
Digitalist and Mahadev Cometo.

click to enlarge!

From eternal spaces the frequencies comes to annihilate matter fetters on our Planet. Straight outta neverland dimension to union us into the void infinity depth of the Universe . Unravel the Mysteries of 12 Tracks where dreams come out from the darkness in a realm of album weaves layered stories span wide stretches of time and space into eternal compositions.

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Erika Stucky, yodel california, La Liberté July 2020

Erika Stucky
Un opéra transatlantique

Erika Stuck - TYG

«Son blues est alpestre, son art composite. La Valaisanne est lauréate du Grand prix suisse de musique», – Thierry Raboud, La Liberté.

«Un jour, Al Comet des Young Gods est venu vers moi et m’a dit: enfin un yodel suisse que j’aime, débarrassé de ce côté poussiéreux-cervelas-Blocher… Il m’a remercié de l’avoir ouvert à ses propres racines, ce qui m’a beaucoup ému. Il faut parfois quelqu’un de l’extérieur pour montrer ce qu’il y a de beau chez soi»
Erika Stucky

La Liberté, 14.07.2020, Thierry Raboud:
Erika Stucky – Reine du yodel déjanté [PDF, 50 KB]

Watch the video clip « Lioba »
from Mahadev’s album Sitarday, released 2000,
to get the idea…

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Mahadev Cometo – Olivier Havran, Le Belvédère, Oct. 2019

Mahadev Cometo – Olivier Havran

Jean Michel Borcard « L’asile du baron »
Lecture: Olivier Havran – Music: Mahadev Cometo
Café Belvédère, Fribourg, 13.10.2019

Another challenging performance by Olivier Havran and Mahadev Cometo.
This time at the Café Belvédère, Fribourg.
– a great sono guaranteed!

Please, remove the spotlight in front of Olivier during the lecture;-


No Images found.

More about Michel Borcard, L’asile du baron, Olivier Havran and Mahadev, – on this site.

Mahadev Cometo – Café Belvédère, June 2019

Belvédère & Mahadev Cometo

Mahadev Cometo playing « Freedom » and…
…new songs on the fantastic terrace of the Café Belvédère,
Fribourg, 2019-06-30 ~ High Noon

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Mahadev Cometo en concert à la Pointe du Grain, NE 2019

Mahadev Cometo Playing «Freedom»
A la Pointe du Grain

« Un ex membre du groupe mythique The Young Gods sous un grand arbre à la Pointe du Grain: un mélange idéal pour fêter le solstice d’été !

Mahadev Cometo, agite les 20 cordes de son sitar, se connecte à l’âme du monde comme la lyre d’Orphée avec une puissance visionnaire et expressive. Il joue sur son instrument avec l’intention de rétablir la concorde, l’harmonie, la symphonie entre les sept sphères du cosmos, fusionnant le sitar traditionnel dans son propre univers. »

Buvette de la pointe du grain

Un coin de paradis sauvage – (c) CanalAlpha

Buvette de la Pointe du Grain
Chemin des Saules
2022 Bevaix NE

Vendredi, 21.06.2019 @ 21:00 – 23:00h
Entrée libre
Download Flyer [pdf, 1.2 MB]

Alll about the «Buvette», +video: canalalpha.ch

Olivier Havran & Mahadev Cometo – Librairie de cap et de mots

Olivier Havran & Mahadev Cometo

Jean Michel Borcard « L’asile du baron »
Edition: Torticolis et frères

Lecture: Olivier Havran
Music: Mahadev Cometo

Librairie de cap et de mots
Bulle, 17.05.2019

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