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Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

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«Mahadev Cometo»

The Book
MAHADEV COMETO – Made in India

Cover of the book Made in India

MAHADEV COMETO – Made in India
165 pages in color
English / French
First edition 2012
Foreword by Nick Joyce
Afterword by Jean-Louis Gafner

40 Swiss Francs including shipping& handling in CH
ISBN 978-3-033-03712-0

New: Get it at www.torticolis-et-freres.ch

[texte en français, voir ci-bas]

For ages, an old Indian Sitar had been sitting in Alain’s basement, collecting dust. In 2011, he won a prize in a contest, consisting of a 6 month’s residence in Varanasi, India, in a palace where the Beatles had lived, where Ravi Shankar was also a regular guest.

Within 10 days, he met a real Indian ‘Guru’ and acquired a wonderful instrument made by one of the best sitar-maker in town. The lessons, 3 times a week, are intense. The thoughts about this spiritual journey have now been collected in a visually challenging book published by TRUCE editions.

Preview [pdf, 3Mb] Order The Book by email

Some reviews

Reviews in german:

Video: Dedicating the book at “Des livres et moi”, Martigny 2013

Depuis des années un vieux un sitar indien trainait dans son grenier. En 2011, Alain gagne une résidence de six mois en Inde. A Varanasi, il habite le palais où les Beatles ont séjourné, là où Ravi Shankar avait aussi ses entrées.Les réflexions sur ce chemin spirituel sont réunies sous forme d’extraits de son journal de bord et d’images dans un livre intitulé MADE IN INDIA publié aux Editions TRUCE.

Aperçu [pdf, 3Mo] Commander le livre par courriel

Presse | Radio

Video: Librairie “Des livres et moi”, Martigny 2013


Buddha by Mahadev Cometo, Varanasi

Buddha by Mahadev Cometo, Varanasi



Projects – An Overview

Mahadev Cometo

(c) Gremaud

A short overview of various projects by Alain Monod – Al Comet – Mahadev Cometo.


Communiqué de presse, juin 2014 [pdf, 170 Ko, french]
Pressekommunique, Juni 2014 [pdf, 1.2 Mb, german]
Presentation of the project « Mahadev Cometo & K-soul »: pdf (en) | pdf (fr)

Fri-Son 2015 – Drone View

Portrait du Fri-Son

Taken from a drone flight by Mahadev Cometo
commissioned by the Fri-Son, Fribourg 2015.
Music © Mahadev Cometo and Thomas Digitalist.

Or watch it on Mahadev’s YouTube Channel
There you’ll find more videos by Mahadev Cometo. And YouTube handles an optimal transmission providing automatically the best video-format and compression for your current device: desktop browser, old/new smartphone, …

A Planet Mars Production
Final version: «2020: Digitalist and Mahadev Cometo»

More videos, s. gallery/videos/other-videos

Bad Bonn Raag

Mahadev Cometo playing « Bad Bonn Raag ».
Bad Bonn Raag ➝ Bad Bonn Songbook ➝ Edition Patrick Frey
A Planète mars production, Marly 2015

same on YouTube
site of the « Bad Bonn Songbook »: bbsongbook.ch


more videos, s. gallery/videos

Assighat, Varanasi

assighatJean-Louis, Bertrand and me are very proud to be back in Benarès.

We are looking forward to present our new program.

Special guest, on tablas : Pandit Rajaneesh Tiwari

s. video Concert Assighat Varanasi 2014

Artephile Estavayer



Artephile Estavayer
1470 Estavayer-le-Lac
A la Collégiale St-Laurent

with Matt the painter

s. video on YouTube

L’ex-Young Gods qui préfère jouer du sitar

sept.info, 06.08.2014

Albertine Bourget: L’ex-Young Gods qui préfère jouer du sitar.

Assis en tailleur, pieds nus, le grand bonhomme aux longs cheveux gris rassemblés en catogan est concentré sur son instrument, un sitar. Ce luth à manche long est l’instrument phare de la culture hindoue traditionnelle.

Nous sommes pourtant à Fribourg; le musicien, Alain Monod au civil et Al Comet à la scène, est connu pour son talent de mixeur, exercé pendant plus de vingt ans au sein des Young Gods…

More www.sept.info/al-comet-young-gods

Show PDF [pdf, 2.4 Mb]

The pdf contains 2 embedded placeholders for YouTube-videos,  shown as black rectangles.
Tomorrow Never Knows, Varanasi 2011 (or on our YouTube Channel on this site)
Mich Gerber All Star Jam Band, Café Mokka, 2013 (on this site)

AlComet - sept.info, NicolasBrodard

AlComet – (c) sept.info, NicolasBrodard

Live at Haberhaus, SH

Mahadev live at the Haberhaus SHUne soirée spéciale avec
Mahadev Cometo – sitar, electronics
Bertrand Siffert – sound and samplers
Jean-Louis Gafner – projections.

Du sitar, des projections psychédéliques et un son des plus planant pour l’occasion.

Recorded live at Haberhaus Beiz Bar Kulturklub
Schaffhausen, June 14, 2014

Video, live, s Youtube Channel (on this site)
Listen on SoundCloud, – and read the comments…

Haberhaus, SH

Haberhaus SHUne soirée spéciale avec
Mahadev Cometo
Bertrand Siffert et
Jean-Louis Gafner.

Du sitar, des projections psychédéliques et un son des plus planant pour l’occasion.

Réservez vos places …
– – –
Video, live, s Youtube Channel (on this site)
Listen on SoundCloud, – and read the comments…

Hauterive, Fribourg

Relaxing areal view of the abbey and the valley of Hauterive.
Camera, flying, cut, mix and sound by Mahadev Cometo.
Hauterive, feb/mars 2014.
Duration: 15 min.

This is a minified (640×480) and heavily compressed version but still suited for fullsize view.

A Planet Mars Production
more, s. gallery/videos/other-videos


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