TAJ MAHAL MAFIA The new album
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Mahadev Cometo – Mahadev Cometo

Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

Author: Mahadev Cometo (page 2 of 14)

Ode spatiotemporelle au voyage immobile – La Gruyère 23.06.2022

Ode spatiotemporelle
au voyage immobile.

Rencontre avec Mahadev Cometo
à l’occasion de son nouvel album
« Taj Mahal Mafia »

Christophe Dutoit – La Gruyère 23.06.2022

Mahadev Cometo - Mafia StyleA soixante balais passés, Mahadev Cometo n’est pas près de s’assagir. Il vient de sortir le double album Taj Mahal Mafia, toujours avec son sitar, parfois simplement acoustique, souvent trituré dans ses machines infernales…

Online with subscription:

Article in French, format PDF:
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Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party: June 24 – 25 – 26, 2022
at the Atelier 48, François-Guillimann 6, Fribourg, see EVENTS

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Mahadev Cometo – RadioFR, June 20, 2022

Interview with Mahadev Cometo
Radio Fribourg, June 20, 2022
by Amaëlle – La Cafète

Interview with Mahadev Cometo on the occasion of his new album Taj Mahal Mafia and the release party at the Atelier 48, François-Guillimann 6, Fribourg (cf. mahadev-cometo.com/event) as well as further infos by Mathias Winiger about the Atelier 48.

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Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party – Photobastei – Zurich – Impressions

Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party
@Photobastei – Zurich – Impressions

June 2-3-4-5 and June 12, 2022

Detais » EVENTS

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2022 L’odyssée du sample

La Liberté, 4.06.2022
Mahadev Cometo détourne musique indienne, electro et psychédélisme sur un double album renversant.

Show PDF [390kb]

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Taj Mahal Mafia – Dédicace – Nidau – Impressions

Dédicaces – Impressions
May 28, 2022@ DISPO Nidau / Bienne

Dr. Schneider-Strasse 3, 2560 Nidau
www.kuchenplatte.ch | www.dispo.space

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Taj Mahal Mafia – The New Album

Un Mahadev monumental

« Les chauves-souris volaient bas avec une sorte d’arrogance dans la façon de prendre les virages, les pans du casque relevés et des sourires géants sous leurs nez plats, béants. A l’époque de la grande Peste on voyait ce même air radieux chez les rats (Boccace, Décaméron, chap.1, 1353). Je téléfarnientais pendant que les voisins bourdonnaient au télétravail et, pour affuter mon esprit, je dérouillais un sabre japonais de la WWII, une lame achetée à Berkeley (province Californie d’internet) que je polissais avec un papier de verre chinois acheté à Longquan (province Zhejiang d’internet), un œil sur la webcam du volcan Fagradalsfjall (province Islandaise d’internet).  »

English & German Translation

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Ghost Festival 2020ss



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2020: Digitalist and Mahadev Cometo

Digitalist & Friends: Ethereal Compositions

Another Dimension Music▲
Transformation of matter annihilation

A very special collaboration from
Digitalist and Mahadev Cometo.

click to enlarge!

From eternal spaces the frequencies comes to annihilate matter fetters on our Planet. Straight outta neverland dimension to union us into the void infinity depth of the Universe . Unravel the Mysteries of 12 Tracks where dreams come out from the darkness in a realm of album weaves layered stories span wide stretches of time and space into eternal compositions.

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Bex-Arts finnisage Oct 2020 – after the show

Mahadev Cometo playing
at the closing ceremony of Bex & Arts

After the show

Triennale de sculpture contemporaine –
outdoors in  the Szilassy parc (Sunday, Oct 18, 2020)
showing pics by Partrick Principe.

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Laser Nomad – Le Club 44, Sept. 2020 – After the show

LASER NOMAD LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS / Invisibility and Omnipresence

After the show

Nomad – Le Club 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 10 Sept. 2020.
Location and more infos, s. Events on this site.

« …We will explore the links between art and science through an exhibition, a talk and a concert. The 2020s of the 21st century have apparently wrecked our experience of the normality.
Invisibility and Omnipresence refers here, among other possibilities, to organisms / parasites / viruses, perceptions (virtuality, augmented or not), social and territorial prejudices (racisms), or our biosphere for example. What are the major challenges waiting for us in such context ? What will be the new normality ? Where is the reality, is it a virtual construction ? Which is the role of consciousness in such context ? … »
Luca Forcucci: Chair & Exhibition (ubqtlab.org)
Full text [pdf, 360 kb]

Read the full article by Jeremy Narby,
anthropologist and project manager at nouvelle-planete.ch
LE CAS COVID-19 (in French):
Invisibilité et omniprésence: Le cas Covid-19 [pdf, 140 kb]


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