Master Margherita and Mahadev Cometo
– live @ Psy-Fi, 16th Aug 2018
Raag Marva – s. Events
Bern July 31 / Aug 1st, 2018
A fantasic and unique festival. I’m feeling honoured to be invited!
Zaffaraya is celebrating its 33rd anniversary.
The big Fiesta starts at 16 o’clock and takes place in favor of Syriaid.Attention:
Hallelujah Mother Helper, S.O.S, Adieu Gary Cooper, Al Comet aka Mahadev Cometo, La Redada, DJ Daddy Cool, DJs Suave y Severo and Magic Henä. Children are welcome, whether small or adult, see you later! [Ron Orp]
Mahadev Cometo: Sitar, Electronics
Master Margherita: Bass Guitar, Electronics
Jardin Cosmique, Fenalet 1880 Bex
May 26, 2018
Equilibre, Fribourg, 22+23.03.2018
Le quatuor de Liverpool fête un jubilé d’importance cette année puisqu’il y a cinquante ans paraissait «The Beatles», album marquant souvent surnommé «White Album».
Dix-sept groupes et musiciens de Fribourg investissent la scène d’Equilibre pour commémorer l’événement à leurs façon…
Kassette, Florian Favre, Gustave, Laure Peret, The Red County, Kabak, Hubeskyla, Jim The Barber, Paul Plexi, Claire Huguenin & Al Comet, Bable’s, Charlotte Grace, Pony, Sacha Love, Pandour, Monoski, Darius!
Tamara Bongard: «Les Beatles en noir et blanc»,
dans: La Liberté, Sa 2 déc. 2017 [pdf, 760 Kb].
En savoir plus: Events
Click to see fullsize pics…
Duplex Walden Club
9, rue des Amis, Genève
Thursday, dec 28, 2017
Raag Shivaranjani Super Mishra, Pt. 2: Masitkhani Gat – cf. Freedom
Details: Event 28.12.2017
Full acoustic concert @, & dig it records Facebook, or (http://digitrecords at the
Geneva, Dec 21, 22 and 23, 2017.
Big thanks to everybody.
I enjoyed the accoustic concert very much, – with you!
J’ai passé 3 jours fantastiques à Genève – Merci à vous tous qui avez participé à cette aventure. Merci tout spécial à Dam Von Smock, Jack La Menace Davet, Joe Bongo.
A vous tous et toutes, bonnes fêtes.
Peace-Love-Rock’n’roll. Al.
A Vilayat Sitar Recording Session at Planete Mars Studio, Sept 2017:
More on Mahadev Cometo’s YouTube Channel
» Master Margherita & Mahadev Cometo playing Swar Mandala Marwa.
Sitar concert as part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO |
“Hôte d’honneur” of the Salon Goûts et Terroirs 2017 @ Espace Gruyère, Bulle.
December 2nd, 2017,
s. Even-List.
Ce n’est pas coutume de jouer le Ranz des Vaches au sitar pour la FAO!
Un grand merci à René, Sophie, Charlotte et son ami.
Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt.
See Event-List
Marcel Vaid: guitar, electronics, drums
Ravi Vaid: electronics
Simon Berz: drums, electroacoustic sounds
Koho Mori-Newton: voice & NoiZe
Mahadev Cometo: sitar & NoiZe
Details: Event-List
Amygdala, located deep and medially within the temporal lobes of the brain in complex vertebrates, including humans … to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision-making, and emotional reactions :: Wikipedia
Marcel Vaid: guitar, electronics
Ravi Vaid: electronics
Chris Jaeger: percussion
Koho Mori-Newton: voice & NoiZe
Mahadev Cometo: sitar & NoiZe
Details: Event-List
As noted years ago…
« If the foxes stalk in the dark quarters of the city on quiet paws – when the birds chirp “Good-Night” to the starry sky and only the unobtrusive noise of the Limmat can be heard behind the station, – it is time for Superterz. »
« Wenn die Füchse auf leisen Pfoten durch die dunklen Quartiere der Stadt pirschen, wenn die Vögel in Richtung Sternenhimmel «gutnacht» zwitschern und hinter dem Bahnhof nur noch das unaufdringliche Rauschen der Limmat zu hören ist, dann ist es Zeit für Superterz. » – 2008 Zurich | Presse 2008 [PDF, 1.7 Mb]