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Blog – Mahadev Cometo

Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

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Laser Nomad – Le Club 44, Sept. 2020 – After the show

LASER NOMAD LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS / Invisibility and Omnipresence

After the show

Nomad – Le Club 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 10 Sept. 2020.
Location and more infos, s. Events on this site.

« …We will explore the links between art and science through an exhibition, a talk and a concert. The 2020s of the 21st century have apparently wrecked our experience of the normality.
Invisibility and Omnipresence refers here, among other possibilities, to organisms / parasites / viruses, perceptions (virtuality, augmented or not), social and territorial prejudices (racisms), or our biosphere for example. What are the major challenges waiting for us in such context ? What will be the new normality ? Where is the reality, is it a virtual construction ? Which is the role of consciousness in such context ? … »
Luca Forcucci: Chair & Exhibition (ubqtlab.org)
Full text [pdf, 360 kb]

Read the full article by Jeremy Narby,
anthropologist and project manager at nouvelle-planete.ch
LE CAS COVID-19 (in French):
Invisibilité et omniprésence: Le cas Covid-19 [pdf, 140 kb]


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Laser Nomad – Le Club 44, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 10 Sept. 2020


LE CLUB 44 – La Chaux-de-Fonds

Luca Forcucci
Mahadev Cometo aka Al Comet
Bruno Herbelin
Isabella Pasqualini
Jeremy Narby

Programme: www.club-44.ch

Jeudi 10 Sept 2020, 18H45
Rue de la Serre 64
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
032 913 45 44 | info@club-44.ch

Prix d’entrée : 15 CHF
Membres du Club 44 : entrée libre
AVS, AI, chômeurs : 10 CHF
étudiants, apprenants : 5 CHF
CarteCulture Caritas et carte Avantages Jeunes : réduction de 5 CHF

En raison de la pandémie de Covid-19, le port du masque est obligatoire pour participer à nos événements. Il est également dorénavant indispensable de réserver son billet en ligne en cliquant ici. Les réservations sont ouvertes dès le 3 septembre 2020. Merci de votre coopération et de votre compréhension.

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Erika Stucky, yodel california, La Liberté July 2020

Erika Stucky
Un opéra transatlantique

Erika Stuck - TYG

«Son blues est alpestre, son art composite. La Valaisanne est lauréate du Grand prix suisse de musique», – Thierry Raboud, La Liberté.

«Un jour, Al Comet des Young Gods est venu vers moi et m’a dit: enfin un yodel suisse que j’aime, débarrassé de ce côté poussiéreux-cervelas-Blocher… Il m’a remercié de l’avoir ouvert à ses propres racines, ce qui m’a beaucoup ému. Il faut parfois quelqu’un de l’extérieur pour montrer ce qu’il y a de beau chez soi»
Erika Stucky

La Liberté, 14.07.2020, Thierry Raboud:
Erika Stucky – Reine du yodel déjanté [PDF, 50 KB]

Watch the video clip « Lioba »
from Mahadev’s album Sitarday, released 2000,
to get the idea…

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Mahadev Cometo – Live at Subah-e-Banaras – Raag BAIRAGI


Live at Subah-e-Banaras, Varanasi

Remix March 2020 by Mahadev Cometo.

Live at Subah-e-Banaras 2015

Big pic – click!

As stated in Nepal-India, 2015, «Subah-e-Banaras» is more than an early yoga meeting at Assi Ghat, Varanasi. See text below.

Get the new remix at Bandcamp for a few rupees  and relax…

Peace, Love & Rock’n’Roll!

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Substanz -Dosis, Kosmos ZH, live Jan 2020


Konzert, Trockener Januar
Kosmos ZH im Klub, Jan 24, 2020

… ein Abend wie ein LSD-Trip. Ohne Substanzen fliegen lernen. Mit Licht und Klang sorgen verschiedene psychedelische Künstler*innen dafür, dass der Teppich im Klub zu fliegen beginnt…

– Organ Tempel | Opening Ritual & Performance
– Trees Talk | High-Poetry & Soundscapes
– Mahadev Cometo aka Al Comet (Young Gods) | Live-Sitar-Konzert
– Trig Fardust Van Nutt | Live-Visual–Show – claudesteiner.ch

Details, s. Events

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High-Poetry & Konzerte | Im Rahmen von «Trockener Januar»

19.00 Uhr Microdosing Workshop (Eintritt Frei)
20.00 Uhr Workshop Ende
20.15 Uhr Einlass (Eintritt)

Konzert Start:
Fr. 24.01.2020, 20.00 Uhr im Klub
Tickets , CHF 25.-, AHV 20.00

Lagerstrasse 104
8004 Zürich

Zu Gast:
– Organ Tempel | Opening Ritual & Performance
– Trees Talk | High-Poetry & Soundscapes
– Mahadev Cometo aka Al Comet (Young Gods) | Live-Sitar-Konzert
– Trig Fardust Van Nutt | Live-Visual–Show


After the show
Some » impressions after the show

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Superterz, Inland Empire, NZZ-Feuilleton Jan 2020

Von Elektro bis Klassik:
Avantgardisten, vereinigt euch!

From NZZ Feuilleton, Jan 15, 2020, by Ueli Bernays
Von Elektro bis Klassik: Avantgardisten, vereinigt euch [PDF, 1.09 MB]

Marcel und Ravi Vaid
Pic by PD

More, s. EVENTs

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Superterz, Inland Empire, feat. Mahadev Cometo, Jan 12, 2020

superterz inland empire with mahadev

Release concerts Superterz « Inland Empire »
with special guest MAHADEV COMETO

playing at the Bar zur Photobastei, – again !

Get ready
Sunday, Jan 12, 2017 @20:00

Sihlquai 125
8005 Zürich

s. NZZ Feuilleton, Jan 15, 2020, by Ueli Bernays
Von Elektro bis Klassik: Avantgardisten melden sich zurück [PDF, 1.09 MB]

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Olivier Havran & Mahadev Cometo, Maison Farel Bienne 2019

Olivier Havran & Mahadev Cometo
Maison Farel, Bienne


« L’asile du baron » by Jean Michel Borcard (Details)
Lecture: Olivier Havran
Music: Mahadev Cometo

Concert / Lecture:
Farelhaus / Maison Farel
Oberer Quai 12 / 12, Quai du haut
2502 Biel / Bienne

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Mahadev Cometo – Olivier Havran, Le Belvédère, Oct. 2019

Mahadev Cometo – Olivier Havran

Jean Michel Borcard « L’asile du baron »
Lecture: Olivier Havran – Music: Mahadev Cometo
Café Belvédère, Fribourg, 13.10.2019

Another challenging performance by Olivier Havran and Mahadev Cometo.
This time at the Café Belvédère, Fribourg.
– a great sono guaranteed!

Please, remove the spotlight in front of Olivier during the lecture;-


More about Michel Borcard, L’asile du baron, Olivier Havran and Mahadev, – on this site.

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