Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party
@ Atelier 48, Fribourg
June 26, 2022
Video & Sounds
Some videos and pics thanx to Atelier 48, Fribourg, – Merci!
- unplugged
- voiced
- spaced, spaced 2 and more…
Some videos and pics thanx to Atelier 48, Fribourg, – Merci!
Rencontre avec Mahadev Cometo
à l’occasion de son nouvel album
« Taj Mahal Mafia »
Christophe Dutoit – La Gruyère 23.06.2022
A soixante balais passés, Mahadev Cometo n’est pas près de s’assagir. Il vient de sortir le double album Taj Mahal Mafia, toujours avec son sitar, parfois simplement acoustique, souvent trituré dans ses machines infernales…
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Taj Mahal Mafia – Release Party: June 24 – 25 – 26, 2022
at the Atelier 48, François-Guillimann 6, Fribourg, see EVENTS
Interview with Mahadev Cometo on the occasion of his new album Taj Mahal Mafia and the release party at the Atelier 48, François-Guillimann 6, Fribourg (cf. mahadev-cometo.com/event) as well as further infos by Mathias Winiger about the Atelier 48.
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