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2014 March – Mahadev Cometo

Mahadev Cometo — A planete mars production

Month: March 2014

Quand les trains passent…

Espace Nuithonie

1752 Villars-sur-Glâne, 12 – 23 mars 2014

quand les trains passent, theatre nuithonie 2014Auteur
Malin Lindroth

Isabelle-Loyse Gremaud

Isabelle-Loyse Gremaud (fr)
Marinka Limat (de)

Créations sonores live
Al Comet – Alain Monod


German: Wenn die Züge vorüberfahren…  www.davril.ch


Hauterive, Fribourg

Relaxing areal view of the abbey and the valley of Hauterive.
Camera, flying, cut, mix and sound by Mahadev Cometo.
Hauterive, feb/mars 2014.
Duration: 15 min.

This is a minified (640×480) and heavily compressed version but still suited for fullsize view.

A Planet Mars Production
more, s. gallery/videos/other-videos
